Mind Reading: I know what you’re thinking


Many people have habitual thought patterns which they do not even recognise are shaping their lives. As every thought creates an electromagnetic signature, they can be recorded and measured in the same way that your heart rate is measured by an ECG machine.

These thought-forms can be seen and experienced by those who are energy sensitive. As they are energised and magnetic by the electric field of the human state, they are never destroyed. Every thought that you have ever had exist in the electromagnetic field surrounding your own body. In fact, your body is like a seed floating within an electromagnetic cloud.. Your thoughts surround you and can be felt by others especially those who are sensitive to energy. These people tend to feel the worry and frustrations of others; they can suddenly develop a headache based on the angry thought forms that surround other people in the same room as them.

You can develop a mindfulness which helps you to be aware of the thoughts that you are projecting. Remember, that these thoughts surround you and so when others mention using their intuition, they really are accessing the depth of though forms which surround them and others that they are emotionally connected to. In this way, psychic intuitive abilities are not special but are available to all. We do not question that animals can see and hear frequencies that humans cannot so why not accept that we too can tune in to these frequencies?

Spend a few moments to select a thought that you will focus on throughout your day - at every available moment remind yourself of this thought or repeat it silently. Notice how other people behave around you; recognise that they are unconciously responding to your energy field which will be negative or positive. Attempt to see that people respond to you in a loving manner when you surround yourself with loving thought energy. Smile whenever you can, its a free energy exchange which always pays back double. A note of caution - when you think negative thoughts about another, it is you that receives the first distillation of this thought. As the thoughtform travels in your field first, you receive the strongest brew and the recipient a much weaker version. Consider then that thinking ill of others affects you more than them.

Forgiveness is the golden rule as it destroys no-one and benefits you greatly.


1-2-3 breathe


Active Listening: Trust